Revisit the joy of learning as an infant. Discover the genius inherent in your movement. If you are considering enrolling in the training it’s an opportunity to gain insight, understanding and experience in a foundation of human development. Saturday & Sunday, December 12 & 13, 2020 10am-1pm Pacific Time $60 NOW AVAILABLE as an ONLINE COURSE! Join here. In this series we revisit our infant curiosity and the serious play that develops our movement and awareness, to bring us to the nuanced, dextrous, differentiated skills that make up our adult actions. Dancing, sports, singing, drawing and using tools all depended on the development of our early learning skills, and we can continue to revisit and refine those actions. You will re-discover the wonders of learning as the child you once were. Reconnect to that way of learning to improve your life today and gain insights into helping others. Training in the Feldenkrais Method™ includes deep dives into developmental movement progressions that are foundational to understanding movement, thinking and being in the world. This workshop gives you a glimpse into the depth of training in the Feldenkrais Method in which experiential learning is integrated with theory, leading to applications to helping people of all ages and abilities. Your Instructors
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